Monday 19 November 2012

Inherited Empire Planning, Research and Analysis

Inherited Empire
As part of our course work we were grouped up, in my group is Charlie L, Charlie N, Harry M. To begin with we had to plan a film individually, things we had to consider for the film are the Film name, Characters and Actors most likely to play the roles, we then had to come up with 3 film ideas of which one would be on the shortlist, then as a group we would choose the best idea to carry through. 

When then all agreed that Harry M had the best idea, which we then pitched to our class mate and teacher. The pitch consisted of a log line, a plot, the actors that would star in the film, a budget and the target audience. Below is the presentation we pitched to the class. 

During our pitch our class mates had to give us some feedback on what they thought of our film idea. Of the four feedback sheets only one gave us three star rating, the rest were two star, this may have been because we didn't give the whole film away which left them with some questions to ask. Another factor that we found out was the budget we set a lot of people didn't  understand that why our budget was so high from the similar film we had researched, however they didn't understand that we have a very demanding cast with the likes of Tom Hardy and Jason Statham. Which is why our budget was set so high to accommodate these high demanding actors. We also didn't make our target audience very clear in the pitch however we explained to the class that our target audience would be 15-35 year men. 

  • We need to include a release date 
  • Specific target audience

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