Zombie Land Title
During the Title sequence there are many settings
established, however the key setting which is imperative is America. We know that
it is set in America as we are introduced too American highways, cars,
prisons/prison officer and money.
We see many themes being portrayed through the title
sequence of Zombie land which are comedy, horror, violence and social anarchy. In
this picture we see the element of comedy being bought into play as we see a
man running from a naked lady with money in his hand. This suggests he has not paid
money he owes her. The woman is now a zombie which shows how the film brings an
element of horror as she is covered in blood. In this clip we also see that
zombies are targeting all types of people and not leaving anyone out. We see
that zombies attack public serviceman, Business men, and innocent women.
The iconography which is shown in the title sequence of Zombie
land follows the typical comedy/horror codes and conventions to make the genre
clear to the viewer from the start. Key
things, such as excessive gore, signify to us that the film is going to be
horrific as we see gore featured in many horror movies such as blood, burnt skin,
disfigurement and people running away. We see prison guards being attacked by
the prisoners and the drug dealers overthrowing the mobsters. This shows that
society has been thrown on its head and now everything has been opposed. It
shows that all the powerful people in society have now lost the power they had.
In this still we see a women being chased by a zombie. The woman is wearing
pink which in this sequence is representing innocence and purity. We see the
zombie wearing very dull and blunt colours which shows that the zombie is going
to take over innocence.
From watching the title sequence I can tell that
throughout the movie it will be very humorous but also quite gruesome as we are
constantly seeing blood and characters dyeing. We are constantly seeing the
town that people are living in being taken over by zombies , but we not are
introduced to any characters which look like they could be main characters in this title sequence.
The title sequence involves lots of different scenes this makes the narrative
quite unclear because the audience does know what to expect. We now do not know
what the film is going to be about because the scenes shown are not similar and
do not give away a clear narrative plot.
Based on this title sequence we are only introduced to
the zombies who we know are antagonists of this movie. We are not introduced to
any main characters who we think are going to plot against the zombies. We are
introduced to some minor characters such as a prison guard, who is under attack
from the zombies who have taken over the town in which the film is set.
All of the title sequence is shown in slow motion which makes the actions which are happening a lot more dramatic but also a lot more comical. A lot of the scenes which include gore and violence are made to be humorous by the non-diegetic sound used throughout the sequence which makes all of the gory and bloody scenes seem amusing.